Final Presentation 105 Interfaces
We chose to use the signifiers:
Image of final presentation:
Final Presentation 105 interfaces
The reason behind the signifiers:
Our conclusion:
We discovered that there are many different kinds of interfaces. Interfaces with screens. Interfaces with no screens. Interfaces with material properties and interfaces with immaterial properties. Interfaces also differentiate further than we initially thought: Not every interface is digital, but a lot of our discovered interfaces are actually fully physical and some even fully material. We made more
in-depth conclusions in the final presentation itself.
The reason behind why we chose these particular signifiers is, because of the questions we chose to answer about our 105 interfaces.
We wanted to categorise 11 of the most important keywords of our questions and answers and make a knolling of the 105 interfaces with these keywords.
Many of our interfaces were either with a screen or without a screen and material or immaterial. Some of our interfaces had routes and some were outdoors or indoors. This helped us categorise the collection with our chosen signifiers. The signifiers are also linked to the collection we made and the research about this collection: Nature Routes.