Final Presentation Mapping The Collection
Visual Mapping
- Explaining that this was the first start of researching the collection.
- Highlight important findings (such as that the website is only in Dutch).

Diagrams and visual metaphors
- Explain our findings what stands between the user group
and the collection.
- Highlight some of those findings with the use of the diagram
in the presentation.

Wishes and needs
- Explain that through making user stories you can get a good
insight of what
the user-group wants or needs from the collection (focus on the

Deep dive website
- Looking from the user point of view. What would they understand
from the website? (explain the mapping that we made).

Data that is interesting for the user-group
- Show and explain the infographic with the things that are
interesting for the user group.

- A list of the things that the collection can offer the user group and help
them with their wishes and needs.
Things to say during the presentation: Mapping the collection.
Final Presentation Mapping The Collection