Final Presentation Mapping The User
Things to say during the presentation: Mapping the user
Research Expat
- The definition of the term: expat.
- Explain the diagram – mapping us and the other.
- Maybe some extra research about the expat.

Defining the Student Expat
- Telling about our 150 signs collection including knolling.
- Explain three keywords: freedom, acceptance and safety.
- Conclusion through the pictures found in WdKA itself.

Stereotypes – international WDKA student
- Talking about the most common stereotype(s)/assumptions.
- Explain the starter pack/Instagram video.
- Explain why this is or is not good (maybe even to disprove
the idea of starter packs).

Polling questions and answers
- Explain why we choice certain questions (why we thought those were
(the most) useful to ask).
- Reflecting on and explaining the answers.

- Maybe explain why we choice to also have an interview,
next to the questionary?
- Overview of the most important questions and answers.

3 personas
- Quickly highlight some key things that where important
for the conclusion user group – final personification.
- Explaining the final personification.
Final Presentation Mapping The User